
I’m Alpha Unusual, an entrepreneur by day and a passionate aficionado of cars, wristwatches, and real estate by night. About four years ago, during a time when the world was locked down, I discovered my love for cars, real estate, and aerospace. Reading articles and watching endless videos became my escape from the chaos around me. It felt like finding heaven—I’d spend hours every day exploring real estate from all corners of the globe and watching as many videos as I could find.

I have an undying passion for cars and wristwatches. The craftsmanship and performance always leave me in awe. Picture a child who’s just discovered a shiny new toy—that’s me whenever I come across a new supercar. I can’t take my eyes off it. I want to know everything about it, and I can’t resist the urge to devour every video about it on the internet!

But enough about me. You’re here because, like me, you want to discover the finest in cars, wristwatches, real estate, and luxury living. That’s why I started this blog—to share amazing content about the things we both love!